Concept Note on the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference on cooperation between SCO member and observer states in countering international terrorism and extremism on the topic: “International cooperation in the fight against terrorism”
It is planned to hold the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference on cooperation between SCO member states and observer states in the field of countering international terrorism and extremism (hereinafter referred to as the Conference) on September 4-5, 2024 in Tashkent.
The conference is an annual event held by the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO RATS) since 2013. The conference emerged in the form of a round table with the participation of researchers from SCO member and observer states. Since then, the number of participants in the annual Conference has grown to 200 persons, with over 50 speakers. Besides the SCO member states and observer states, the participants of the Conference include SCO dialogue partners, international and regional organizations, as well as academia, research, information and analytical institutions. High-level speakers were invited to past Conferences, including heads of UN structures, OSCE, CIS ATC, CSTO, Interpol, EAG, CICA, etc.
The Program of Cooperation of the SCO Member States in the field of Countering Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism for 2022-2024, approved by the Decision No. 1 of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization dated September 17, 2021, provides for the holding of international conferences (Clause 5.2), and expanding cooperation with the SCO observer states, SCO dialogue partners (Clause 4.1) and relevant international and regional organizations (Clause 4.3) in the field of countering terrorism, separatism and extremism. The Memorandum of Cooperation between the SCO RATS and the CIS ATC dated May 25, 2023, indicates that scientific and organizational events serve as one of the main ways of interaction (Clause 1.4). In order to implement these regulatory documents and further strengthen international cooperation, on March 29, 2024 the SCO RATS Council adopted Decision No. 740 on holding the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference at the same time and venue (based on a separate plan) with the 2nd International Conference of the Anti-Terrorism Center of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Exchange of organizational experience and best practices in countering terrorism and extremism, developing a common understanding and approaches to new challenges and security threats, and designing measures to improve international cooperation to counter terrorism and extremism.
It is planned to hold the SCO RATS conference over two days, and the CIS conference within one day. On the first day, the SCO RATS Conference will be held simultaneously at the same venue as the CIS Conference. After a plenary session and three sessions, the CIS Conference will end. On the second day, the SCO RATS Conference will be continued with sessions IV and V. After the completion of these two sessions, the SCO RATS Conference will close.
First day: September 4, 2024
The plenary session, sessions I and II of the SCO RATS Conference and the plenary session, sessions I and II of the CIS Conference are planned to be held simultaneously in one hall. The titles of the topics for sessions I and II of the Conferences are the same. Session III will take place in a separate room.
During the plenary session, high-level participants will deliver welcoming remarks, as well as assessments of challenges and threats to security, the state and prospects of international cooperation in countering terrorism and extremism. It will be moderated by a representative of the State Security Service of Uzbekistan.
Session I: “National experience in countering terrorism, separatism and extremism.” Moderator: ATC CIS.
During the session, it is proposed to consider the main threats of a terrorist, separatist and extremist nature and forecasts for their development, as well as national experience in preventing the three threats, including:
building an effective system to counter terrorist, separatist and extremist ideologies;
interaction between government bodies and civil society institutions;
countering the involvement of minors and youth in terrorist, separatist and extremist activities;
reintegration of persons returned from zones of terrorist activity;
anti-terrorist protection of critical facilities and crowded places;
protection of the information space from manifestations of terrorism, separatism and extremism.
Session II: “International counter-terrorism cooperation.” Moderator: Executive Committee of the SCO RATS.
During the session, it is proposed to consider current issues related to the multilateral cooperation between international organizations in the field of countering terrorism, separatism and extremism, including:
assessment of the current state and effectiveness of cooperation mechanisms to respond to existing and emerging challenges and threats;
improving the legal framework for multilateral cooperation;
countering the radicalization of the population, including minors and youth;
countering the merging of transnational crime and the activities of terrorist organizations;
preventing the use of migration channels for the movement and legalization of persons involved in the activities of terrorist, separatist and extremist organizations;
countering the use of modern digital tools for the financing of terrorist, separatist and extremist activities;
preventing the use of illicit drug trafficking as a source of financing terrorism;
combating the smuggling of funds used for terrorist purposes.
Session III: “Scientific support of activities to counter terrorism and extremism” will include presentations by members of the Scientific Advisory Council at the CIS ATC, representatives of scientific, educational and research organizations of the CIS and SCO countries. Moderator: ATC CIS.
During the session, it is proposed to consider national experience and international cooperation in the field of scientific and educational support for countering terrorism and extremism, in particular with regards to the issues related to the organization of the following:
academic activities, including promising areas of study;
methodological work, including modern pedagogical technologies;
scientific work, including promising research topics;
training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel.
Closing of the CIS Conference.
Day two, September 5, 2024
Session IV: “Combating money laundering and terrorist financing.” Moderator: Executive Committee of the SCO RATS.
During this session, it is proposed to consider national experience and international cooperation in the field of combating money laundering and terrorist financing, including:
legal basis for countering the financing of terrorism;
forms and methods of financing terrorism, and new types of threats in this area.
Session V: “The ideology of extremism is a threat to the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of states.” Moderator: Executive Committee of the SCO RATS.
During this session, it is proposed to review national experience and international cooperation in the field of countering the ideology of extremism, including:
concept, types and forms of extremism;
experience of the states in the field of using social and economic measures, mechanisms of response and localization against manifestations of extremism;
the impact of extremism on international relations;
measures taken to counter extremism using information and communication technologies.
The Conference will be attended by representatives and experts from national, regional and international structures, including public and government bodies, relevant international organizations, as well as research institutes involved in countering terrorism and extremism.
Working Languages
English, Chinese and Russian
Time and Venue
It is planned to hold the conference on September 4-5, 2024 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Participants intending to physically participate in the Conference should arrive in Tashkent by no later than the evening of September 3, 2024.
Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
22, Durmon Yo’li, Tashkent. Phone number: + (998 78) 120 43 66, e-mail:
Emergency Phone Numbers
(i) Fire Safety 101
(ii) Police 102
(iii) Ambulance 103
(iv) Emergency (Disasters) 105
Focal Points:
1. Arman Mukhamedzhanov, Senior Expert
Mobile: +998 97 7421978 (GSM and Telegram)
2. Vyacheslav Penchukov, Expert
Mobile: +998 90 7998815 (GSM and Telegram)
3. Rustam Abduloev, Assistant
Mobile: +998-97-178-34-39, (GSM, WhatsApp and Telegram)