
SCO RATS Executive Committee takes part in the joint forum of the EAG and CIS CCPG

The delegation of the SCO RATS Executive Committee took part in the Joint Forum of the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (EAG) and the Coordinating Council of Prosecutors General of the CIS Member States (CCPGCIS) held on November 13-14, 2024, in Minsk (Republic of Belarus).

The forum was held with the support of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Belarus and the delegation of the Russian Federation to the EAG.

The event was held in the format of a plenary meeting and four sessions.

At the plenary session, welcoming addresses were read by the following participants: Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus Andrei  Shved, CIS Secretary General Sergey Lebedev, Chairman of the CIS Coordination Council of Prosecutors General (CIS CCPG) Igor Krasnov, Chairman of the EAG and Director of RosFinMonitoring Yuri Chikhanchin.

Forum participants discussed issues related to strengthening the role of prosecutorial authorities in combating ML/FT, increasing the effectiveness of national money laundering systems and international cooperation in the return (division) of criminal assets, mutual legal assistance, ensuring the effectiveness of detection, suppression and criminal prosecution of legalization of criminal proceeds and the financing of terrorism in law enforcement practice, as well as prosecutorial supervision in this area.
Artur Golovanov made a presentation on behalf of the RATS SCO Executive Committee. In his address he said that the fight against the financing of terrorism remains one of the important areas of activity of the competent authorities of the SCO member states. The SCO RATS Executive Committee is taking all necessary measures in this area. In addition, he noted the advisability of the participation of competent authorities in such events in future.

The Forum was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere and supported meaningful dialogue.

Source: Исполнительный комитет РАТС ШОС