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Daesh takes responsibility for the explosion at the Russian embassy in Kabul

Daesh terrorist group (banned in Russia) claimed responsibility for the explosion at the Russian embassy in Kabul, reports Reuters.

In addition, Daesh has released a photo of a man who, as they say, carried out the bombing outside the diplomatic mission.

The explosion at the Russian embassy in Kabul occurred in the morning of September 5. The attack killed two employees of the diplomatic mission and left victims among the citizens of Afghanistan. In total, at least 8 people died, and at least 15 more people received injuries of varying degrees of severity.

During a telephone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Foreign Minister of the Taliban government (Taliban movement is banned in the Russian Federation) Amir Khan Mottaqi promised to investigate the incident.

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan called on the Afghan authorities to ensure security of diplomatic missions.