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Iraqi court sentences ISIS leaded Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's widow to death

The widow of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Umm Hudayfah, was sentenced to death by a court in Iraq.

She appears in court documents as Asma Mohammed, but is better known as Umm Hudayfa.

She was arrested in 2018 in Turkey, where she lived under a fake name. In February 2024, she was extradited to Iraq, where an investigation began against her on charges of terrorism-related crimes.

The Baghdad Criminal Court found her guilty of aiding an extremist organization and forcibly holding Yazidi women in captivity.

In an exclusive interview with the BBC from an Iraqi prison, Umm Hudayfa admitted that her husband brought nine Yazidi girls and women into their home in the summer of 2014, but she said she had no influence over her husband's actions. However, the BBC has managed to track down several victims who survived ISIS slavery and claim that Umm Hudayfa was complicit in the enslavement of Yazidi women. "She was responsible for everything. She was choosing - this one would serve her, that one would serve her husband," the sister of one of the slaves whom the ISIS leader brought into his home told the BBC.
