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Israeli Knesset advances bill to expel attackers' family from Israel

The Knesset Rules Committee approved the second and third readings of the bill on the deportation of terrorists' families from Israel.

After a heated debate and exchange of personal attacks at the meeting held on October 29, nine members of the committee supported the bill, and two abstained.

The new law, the final vote on which is included in the agenda of the Knesset plenary session next Monday, November 4, gives the Minister of the Interior the right to expel the relatives of terrorists without a court order.

According to the bill, the Minister of the Interior can sign an order to deport a terrorist's family to the Gaza Strip or another location if it is proven that the family knew about the criminal plans but did not interfere with their implementation. Expressing solidarity with the terrorists is also considered sufficient grounds for deportation.

The deportation order for Israeli citizens is valid for at least seven years and no more than 15 years. For individuals who do not have Israeli citizenship but have a residence permit, the order is valid for ten to 20 years.

The wording of the bill has raised objections from the General Security Service (Shin Bet), but the committee approved the document without any fundamental changes. Representatives of the Shin Bet proposed giving the head of the Interior Ministry the right to only expel the parents who are responsible for the terrorist’s upbringing instead of all of the terrorist's relatives. This proposal was rejected. The law is expected to cause serious criticism abroad.
