Situation, Facts and Events

US resident imagined himself a terrorist leader and planned to blow up the stock exchange in New York

US intelligence agencies have detained a man who was preparing a terrorist attack at the New York Stock Exchange. The attacker fancied himself to be a leader of a foreign terrorist group and was making a bomb.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents detained a resident of southern Florida, Harun Abdul-Malik Yener. In February, intelligence agencies received information that the suspect was trying to assemble an improvised explosive device. He shared video instructions on how to make explosives and pyrotechnics from household items on his social media.

During searches at the suspect's place of residence, they found watches with timers, electronic boards, and other electronics. During the investigation, it was also found that Yener was going to join ISIS terrorist group.

The FBI indicated that the detainee was going to blow up the stock exchange in order to "reset the US government." In his notes, he stated that he "felt like" Osama bin Laden.
