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A court in Voronezh arrested a woman on suspicion of public incitement for terrorism

The Central District Court of Voronezh put a woman in custody for two months as she was suspected of distributing videos calling for terrorism via Telegram. A criminal case has been initiated against her, according to the website of the court.


According to the investigation, the woman is a supporter of radical Islamic movements and adheres to extremist views. From February to June 2022, she publicly posted videos calling for terrorist activities, as well as statements justifying and promoting terrorism, on the Internet using Telegram.


“The videos posted contain a combination of linguistic and psychological signs of incitement to commit violent actions (conducting armed jihad), propaganda of the ideology of violence (ideology and activities of the Islamic State (IS)), justification of the ideology of violence (ideology of IS) and justification negative and violent actions committed by IS members,” the report says.
