Kanat Orazkulov

Kanat Orazkulov was born on November 27, 1970. He is a native of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He has a higher education; in 1993 he graduated from the Kazakh Agricultural Institute (Almaty), and in 2002 from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty) with a degree in Legal Science. Since April 1994, he served in operational and managerial positions in the national security agencies and the State Security Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since July 2019, Kanat Orazkulov served as Chief of Staff of the Anti-Terrorism Center of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In August 2022, he assumed the position of Deputy Director of the Executive Committee of the SCO RATS in charge of the Legal Support Department. His rank is Major General. Kanat Orazkulov has been decorated by the state and his agency. He is married with three children